Hello and welcome!
My name is Melynda Nguyen, an aspiring graphic designer, based in the Fairfax, Virginia area.  I am currently a senior studying graphic design at George Mason University.  I expect to graduate this coming spring with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and plan to work professionally in the industry afterwards.
My interest in graphic design began when I started to take notice of the typography in package designs and the thoughtfulness behind the unboxing and user experience.  There was just something so satisfying about functional design.  I couldn't get enough of it.
As I kept exploring my interests, I eventually realized that graphic design was a part of everything that I loved from the album covers and merch of my favorite artists, to movie posters that were displayed in theaters, and all the way down to the books that I've read.  The best part?  That didn't even begin to scratch the surface of graphic design.  I later discovered it was a bigger world than I originally thought, and I've been hooked since.
When I was finally able to pursue design, I’ve worked increasingly in graphics developing an eye for branding and layout. My works vary from package design and editorial design to motion design and app design.
I’m always looking to improve, so I’m always learning. In my free time, I'm working to get better at illustrating and copywriting.  My hobbies include photography and video editing.  I believe these skills are important, because they not only help my clients, but they allow me to cater to a wider array of needs.
Whether it’s to collaborate or for design work, let’s talk!
I would love to hear from you.
I’m only an email away.
You can reach me at at melyndandesign@gmail.com for all your business inquiries.
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